Brimstone would like to think he was raised right. Take less, give more. Help people in need, pay it forward regularly and always give back! That being said, he has made countless special appearances lending his name and time, negotiated donations for multiple causes, donated Brimstone related products and many times offered a helping hand from his own pockets without asking for - or seeking anything in return.
Brim's acted as a celebrity spokesperson for the Stan Lee Foundation for well over five years. He has made countless 'in booth' appearances around the country at a variety of conventions as well as appeared at an array of conventions (for Kid's Day), private events, schools and libraries to discuss the Foundation's mission of effective and engaging plans for youth and adults that will help with reading, comprehension, writing and communication. Brim's speaking engagements revolved around 'literacy and visual literacy' as the end goal - is to inspire young adults to write, create and tell stories that promote improvement in reading skills, comprehension, content learning and communication. Focusing on literacy and enrichment, effective communication allows for students to learn skills to become employable, creative, and confident.
Brimstone has served as a celebrity spokesperson for the Jaime Isaacs Foundation (Anti-Bullying), RADD (Rockers Actors and Athletes against Driving Drunk - Now Recording Artists against Drunk Driving), and the Project Meridian Foundation (Anti-Sex Trafficking) and is often requested to sit on the board of different charitable organizations. He's an annual guest speaker for Celebrity Sports Night at Long Island's Viscardi Center and LILTA’s Men’s Conferences aimed at paving educational paths for young men.
Whether it be poking fun at himself by shucking clams for charity at the annual Breast Cancer Coalition of Long Island, donating time and signed products to the Arthritis Foundation's 'Support Your Staff' events, or visiting the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation to give out stuffed animals and spend time with the kids – Brim has a heart of gold and will do just about anything to support a good cause. Locally, he's marched in support of LEADD (Levittown Educators Against Destructive Decisions) on multiple occasions and compiled a grouping of celeb friends to speak to elementary school kids in conjunction with the Get-A-Voice Program (Anti-Bullying) through the school district. In 2015, he partnered with the Empire Saber Guild (An Official Lucas Film, Star Wars Costuming Group) to create an exclusive trading card for St. Mary’s portraying Brimstone as a Sith Lord for charity. An avid philanthropist at heart, Brimstone subjected himself to be roasted for charity in 2010, participated in the comedic, Roast of Brian O'Halloran, and has been featured on NBC’s Cause Celeb twice concerning his efforts. Furthermore, he’s worked directly with Build-A-Bear Workshop, whom was a sponsor of his international children’s initiative.
As a small business expert - he officially became a Mentor with SCORE Mentors in 2018 in order to give back to entrepreneurs in need of guidance and stayed on board until early 2020. During the time he spent mentoring, Brim walked a couple hundred entrepreneurs through the building blocks of their budding businesses - as well as saved a handful from closing altogether. He remains a mentor external from SCORE to many of the small businesses that he'd worked with regularly. Brimstone and The Grindhouse Radio cast was honored by NYS Senator Kevin Thomas by being awarded the 2020 New York State Senate Empire Business Award in recognition of their repeated contributions to the community and New York State, followed by Brimstone being awarded a 2021 Platinum Communitas Award for Excellence in Community Service | Leadership in Individual Community Service.
**More information and Photo Gallery Coming Soon