FULL SITE NAVIGATION: “How to get around the Wasteland”
Skip all the hub-bub! (Takes you past the introduction and into the nitty-gritty)
Ok… well I can understand that if this is your first time here at the Official Website of Brimstone... it can get overwhelming and honestly, pretty darn confusing! Heck, even long time fans can at times get lost trying to get from here to there on the site. Therefore we decided to add this feature to the original website, and have updated it for this current one… an online tutorial!!! Just think of it as reading a “Brimstone for Dummies” book. If you hadn’t noticed already, Brim is one of those annoying entertainers who find it self-serving to name things differently in order to make himself feel important and special (don’t worry, he's not naming any of my children Apple, Scout or Pilot Inspecktor). This simple guide should assist you in enjoying your stay in his world. So, without further ado…
Bio Section: Ok, this is quite easy to figure out… it’s more or less the “History” section of Brim's career in entertainment spanning over forty years! In general - the area holds a plethora of factual information that ranges from his years as a professional wrestler to the humble beginnings of Hound Comics, Inc. (Hound Entertainment Group) and so much more. Make sure to visit this area to learn about the who-zits and what-zits behind the Main Man of the Wasteland. Most importantly though, is the continuously updated version of Brimstone's Official Bio. That right there is the REAL deal. This is his 'Tale of the Tape' a brief history lesson ‘chock-full’ of accomplishments. It’s what those in the industry call a 'must have' because most people are either too lazy to look into one’s background; or otherwise people may believe non-factual information that they sadly read on the internet. For those seeking info on the Brimstone and The Borderhounds Comic Book Series, there is a lot to see here. Visiting that area will offer the general gist of the awesome, Brimstone and The Borderhounds comic starring... well you guest it - Brimstone! The creative team that has been on this series has been second to none. Brimstone had the utmost pleasure to have worked with some of the most talented professionals in the business including Sajad Shah and Marcello Carnevali; as well as Geoffrey Gwin (pencils), Jake Isenberg (inks), Kevin Enhart (colors), Delfine Siobhan-Kanashii (colors) and Shawn Reynolds (letters). Those of you in his audience who have kids will definitely want to learn more about the Border-Pups Series as well as the Brimstone and The Borderhounds Animated Series. Those of you who have not listened to The Grindhouse Radio or Within Brim's Skin... well, you're missing out; but here is where you can learn about the award winning and ranking podcasts. You can also TUNE IN to the shows themselves in the Media Section.
Scriptures Section: In Brimstone-land… Scriptures contain everything from Brim's personal thoughts and formal interaction on the BrimBLOG, to current News including; but not limited to the many interviews, postings, etc. that have been compiled over time. This area is continuously growing and evolving as there is SO much content… which is a good thing! Also, looking for the recipes for The Brimstone Red by the Jack Daniels Distillery; or The Brimstone off the Starbucks Secret Menu? They're there too!
Now, Brimstone’s News is pretty Self explanatory we think? This spot will be updated on the regular to keep everyone up to date on any BREAKING NEWS.
The BrimBLOG, from the feedback that we've received in the past when this feature was functional... the majority of Brim's diverse audience seem to love and appreciate this personal touch here the site. Considering that the BrimBLOG and his Official Social Media are the ONLY places that Brim EVER posts (if you see a posting on any message boards, external blogs, etc. - it simply is NOT him... don't be fooled); you're getting the authentic guy behind the proverbial mask. It is where Brimstone will personally rant and rave about whatever is going on in his head at the time, detailing an event he attended, etc. It’s a blog people… you get the gist! It is the one place where you can keep up with Brim on a regular basis.
The Scriptures tab itself essentially offers a collection of videos, interviews and other Brimstone related media from around the internet. Albeit not everything that should be compiled; but you'll find enough to keep you busy for quite a long time. As time permits - the links will be purged and put in some sort of order; however currently - they are a mish-mosh of sorts... enter the link area at your own risk. We warned you!
The NEW Brimstone Fan Art section is pretty self explanatory. Here lies an AWESOME collection of Fan Art that has been compiled over the years. Not everything is here; nor is everything noted on who each artist is; but we're looking to change that over time!
Media Section: Here's where it gets really interesting... get your fix of everything Brimstone. Essentially it is your go to source for all Brim related video and audio - look no further. Again, a continuous work in progress! When the site was originally built, there was no such thing as 'embedding video' or fancy schmancy 'internet radio & podcasting', yadda yadda yadda… therefore, we are trying to update with the times! Now, clicking on MEDIA itself - that will bring you to LIVE feeds of Brim's Official Brimstagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts. They are ALL Verified (except Twitter), so you will know that it is actually him. He is the ONLY person who posts on any of his Official Social Media. NEW updates we have in this section are as follows:
Podcasts: Time to kick back and please your earholes with the smooth banter-iffic sounds of The Grindhouse Radio and the ranting humor of Brim on Within Brim's Skin. If you're seeking some humor with a touch of sass - Check out the Foxy Fox and Big Lion Daddy Show. All three shows have a feed directly into this here site. Originally, GHR was fed directly into the home page; but it was old, ugly and Brim didn't like it - so here we are... shiny and new! You also don't want to miss The Dirty Little Secrets Club for a little more mature content; or Truly Inconsequential for epic debates concerning some of the most inconsequential characters in pop culture history!
Video Series & Vodcasts: Whether you are trying to kill some time during the COVID-19 Quarantine or just happen to appreciate everything Brimstone... there is something for you here! The QuaranTIME with Brimstone series is a personalized grouping of LIVE videos with friends of his in the entertainment industry and the show will ONLY be running through quarantine. GHR Live & Uncut is a little extra Grindhouse Radio love for those of you who want more of that crew. You get the visuals of The Dirty Little Secrets Club as well as Truly Inconsequential too - so hop on over there and enjoy the ride! If you are a foodie and love to eat - the old Food Hounds: Tidbits series is finally here at home on the site! Look no further, there is enough content to keep you busy for months!
Video Games: Looking to PLAY as Brimstone? Look no further - this has all the places to download Brim's video games, apps and associated game appearances. This is a new feature on the site! Have fun bending him to your own will... just be gentle.
Voiceover: Whether you are looking for samples of Brim's commercial voice work or his animated voice reel - this is the place to look. Another brand new feature on the site.
Acting: Film & Video: This section is pretty much the location for everything having to do with Brim's acting career. This will be a NEW feature on the website so it is still in “construction” mode… please bear with and keep on coming back to check for constant updates!
Music: Did you know Brim was a drummer for many years? Never before has 'Before Brimstone' been a thing on the Official Website; but here we are in 2020 and we're all about giving back on the new therealbrimstone.com! Listen to Brimstone's old tracks from the bands he was in pre-wrestling. He is currently tracking down additional collections of music with him drumming (or rapping - yeah, rapping) on - they will be added if and when they are digitally discovered.
Downloads: Here lies a whole bunch of FREE downloadable goodies! RPG lovers can grab the PDF's for the Brimstone RPG's, while others can snatch up Brimstone Coloring and Activity Books. Still have that old school original version of EA's The Sims? Grab the Brimstone Skin and do with it what you please... just remember - if you kill him too many times, he'll come back to haunt you! Did we mention all of this is FREE?!?
Schedule: What’s Next... the all-seeing, all knowing, hands down - Official Schedule of Brimstone.
Buy Brim - Get Burned In: The Brimstone General Store… pick up your autographed photos and a whole variety of other goodies related to Brim.
External Shopping: There are a lot of different items out there by Brimstone, way too much to keep a stock of here at our home base. Therefore, this area is where you can find some stuff and things externally. **Full disclosure - we are not responsible and can not help it if they are sold out! If you find yourself in that situation... please e-mail the business directly and request that they restock. Thank you for your understanding!
Contact: Whether you're a business owner, media looking to do an interview, potential endorser, convention promoter or promoter of any sort, casting agent, or even just a fan who wants to say howdy… visit here. Everything is easily accessible on the page including a form to subscribe to the mailing list, e-mail addresses for different requests, links to hire Brim for Cameo or Starsona videos, etc. Aside from social media, this is the best way to touch base. Please understand that not all requests will be answered - only serious requests will be considered. Also, Brimstone DOES read all his fan mail personally and responds when schedules permit; however it is screened prior to him receiving - so any hate mail will be forwarded to the authorities!
Mailing List: Ever ask yourself, “Why wasn’t I invited to that?” How about, “Why didn’t I know about that?” Sign up for the FREE Brimstone Mailing List and get advance notice on special appearances, launches and events.
Subscribe: For the first time EVER... you can now subscribe to the website itself! Cool huh? Members will get access to special events, contests and content that non-subscribers won't! Make sure you Burn In on the UPPER RIGHT of the HOME PAGE before leaving!
Why Schedule Brim?: If you really need a reason to book Brim as a guest on your show, etc. - Here lies a list of REVIEWS direct from the Media themselves. Well worth the peek!
Team Brimstone: Team Brimstone isn't just a Fan Club... we're building a community. More often than not, entertainers forget that their audiences are the people who have put them in the position that they are in - not Brim! Brimstone not only loves his audience; but he appreciates them as well! He understands that without the undying support of his audience, he wouldn't have the platform and stage that he has to perform on. Perhaps consider joining the Team!
Legal: A bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo that our list of attorneys tell us we have to have on all Brimstone's web properties. If you are a friendly guest, you don’t need to worry about any of this stuff. If you're not... well... yeah.
Former Wrestling Students: Have you ever found yourself playing “Six-Degrees?” Well, this is more or less a version of that game. Brimstone has had the pleasure of ‘showing the ropes’ to an array of students during his tenure in the world of professional wrestling. Proof is always in the proverbial pudding… so this spot is dedicated to the boys and girls who he'd spent time in the ring with over the years. YES, there are pictures of the students there as well!