First and foremost, I wanted to send my warmest wishes and thanks to all the Veterans who have served over the years in order to protect the USA. For those of you who aren't aware - my father is a Vietnam Veteran who was there in '68 - '69. To this day... he still has PTSD from being in 'Nam and all the horrors that he'd seen while there. He's one of the lucky ones who made it back; but even 52 years later - the nightmares are still in his head as if he were at war yesterday. Yeah, that pic on the left is my father, Vinnie Kucmierowski on base from way back when. He didn't know it; but when I was younger - I used to play soldier and loved getting dressed up in camouflage and whatever else I could get my hands on in order to emulate him. I saved all his gear that came home with him which is well preserved and stored for safety - it isn't only history; but it was a big part of my old man's life. Even my love for G.I. Joe stemmed from this as well - I looked up to him and wanted to be a badass like my dad. That being said, he was featured in a Today Show segment this past Thursday (11/11/21) on Veteran's Day discussing his experience and why having a Service dog has helped him tremendously over the years. Below is the video in its entirety - you'll catch him and my step-mother at around the 2 minute mark; but I urge you all to watch the whole segment to pay respect to those who fought for America.
I respect all the men and women who have; and still do serve in the armed forces. I salute those who have given their lives to ensure we could live ours in a free country.

I guess I'll start wrapping this up by saying I was very proud of him the other day when this aired, and I had the pleasure of sitting with him when it came on screen live (Stay tuned for my Florida mini-tour BrimBLOG coming shortly)! He was enamored. I witnessed pure joy on his face while watching himself and my step-mom on National television - they were both giggling like school girls and fully enjoying the moment... PRICELESS. Normally, I would publicly celebrate my other close family members on Vet's Day as well (and I still did) including my Grandfather, Danielle's Grandfather and my Uncle-In-Law among many extended family, friends and fans who I've encountered throughout the years; however this year - for me... it was about my Dad.
Thanks for reading - Video Credit: The Today Show (NBC)
Any Veterans who are seeking Service animals - Please find a reputable and certified training facility near where you reside. - Brim