Alrighty then… been a minute since I was able to take a little time to do a BrimBLOG. It seems as though every time I sit down to make it happen – I get sidetracked, overwhelmed; or just plain too busy! I enjoy writing these and take pride in spending the proper time each deserves. So here we are on a Sunday afternoon with nothing crazy to do (for the first time in awhile). Let’s get up to speed on all things going on in my world (if you feel like hearing about it of course)! I’ve had an extraordinary amount of fan-art sent to me in the recent month from unbelievable artists! You can check them and SO many others out here on the site via the NEW Fan Art Section. I can’t believe that I’d never had these online prior; but it is always an honor and a privilege to see other people’s vision of me through their eyes! Adding this section was important to me as I love independent artists and figured since they took the time to draw me up - why not throw a spotlight on them? The very least I could do was put up the art where people could see it! Every little bit counts, so if you DO decide to go check out the area… please take the time to go and LIKE the artists’ social media that you enjoy – support means everything (and it’s FREE)!

I’d recently taken a small break from my hectic schedule of interviews; but I’m about to start up again with a full plate. I have a ton of interviews that have hit recently that can be found in the Scriptures Section – I’d definitely recommend, ‘They Told Me It Was Impossible and I Did It Anyway’, ‘Five Things You Need to Shine in the Entertainment Industry’, and ‘From Pro Wrestler to Podcaster’ for a few fun reads! There are also a plethora of video interviews to scroll through at the top of the page – so if it is a rabbit hole you’re looking to go down… you’ve found a goldmine! I try to keep up on updates as links are recovered and released; however it is impossible for me to collect everything. More than enough to keep you bust for quite some time though – so enjoy (if you so desire)!
For any fans of the show I do on Wednesday’s with Mr. Greer, Truly Inconsequential – You may have noticed that we’ve taken a few weeks off from the show. DON’T BE ALARMED – THE SHOW IS NOT OVER!!! We greatly appreciate your concern! After the holiday’s, we got insanely busy and schedules wound up becoming altered – That being said… we will be re-launching new episodes of the series shortly; however will be eliminating the live portion of the show until further notice. I’m really upset about this turn in events personally as I adore being able to interact with the audience as we banter; but for now it needs to be put to the wayside. For anyone seeking to hear the PODCAST version (current and past) you can CLICK HERE; or if you would like to watch the VODCAST version… CLICK HERE.
I’ve been feeling like a bit of a caged animal recently considering I haven’t been doing any of the traveling that I’m normally used to doing. I’ve gotten away a few times including to Salem, Massachusetts (Read the BrimBLOG) as well as a mini-tour to West Palm Beach, Florida (Read the BrimBLOG); but it just isn’t the same as being on a regular tour schedule. That being said – I had some flight vouchers that were coming up shortly… so my son Dylan and I shot out to Florida to spend a few days with my folks again. As I knew I was going to be in town – It was imperative that I hit up my friends from Kapow Noodle Bar in West Palm (They have another location in Boca Raton as well). To be completely blunt… I love this place SO much. Everything about the restaurant is a WIN. If it is the first time you’ve heard me rant about them, here’s a quick overview – The aesthetic of the place is Anime meets high-end Asian restaurant, while the ambiance is warm, cozy and comfortable. The servers are incredibly insightful and well-versed on what menu items work for each diner’s pallet (so don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions), and the kitchen staff work

like a well-oiled machine to get fresh food on your table in a timely manner. Every… and I mean EVERY item on the menu is utterly delicious – so regardless of what you order, you’re going to savor every last bite. Chef Cornelius Singletary is a visionary and does Pan-Asian Fusion to the fullest extent while throwing in a dose of Southern flair for good measure! The owner and operator, Vaughan Dugan did an incredible job at putting together one of the greatest of teams that I’ve encountered on my travels – he should be insanely proud. Anyway, I was excited for my Father and Dylan to taste the rainbow of flavors that Kapow has to offer, and of course they didn’t disappoint! For the sake of time (and because I’m adding a special behind the scenes video here to watch), I’m only going to highlight a couple of items that we encountered during our dining experience that were above and beyond incredible (remember – everything is great). My favorite – the Pork Belly Lollipops were exactly the same as I’d remembered them… meaning it is not by accident that they are consistently PERFECT! Thick cuts of belly hit with a light crisp on the outside that

melts in your mouth not in your hand – hit it with the warm cherry sauce and you’ll be ordering more than one guaranteed. The Hoisin BBQ Baby Back Ribs were exactly what I was hoping for; but better – fall off the bone, tender meat with a homemade hoisin that will knock your socks off and hit every taste bud on the trip down your gullet! The Ahi Tuna Poke’ Bowl was incredibly fresh, bright and fantastic – I admire the presentation of even the simplest of dishes. I thoroughly enjoyed every bite of the Skirt Steak Lo Mein which was a bountiful plate with a GENEROUS piece of beautifully marinated steak and uber flavorful Wok-fried noodles… SoOoOooo good. Chef sent out some off-menu items (which I am campaigning to be put ON menu) which included an unbelievably flavorful

Salmon dish to die for, and quite simply – the BEST CHICKEN WINGS I’ve ever had the pleasure of sinking my teeth into! Now, you may say… Brim – that there is a BIG statement. I know this and I stand by it. I’ve judged countless wing contests (big and small) all around the country – I have never encountered a wing this unique, flavorful or utterly PERFECT anywhere. Honey Garlic Wings – battered lightly tempura with flavor that will have you talking for at very least days – If you go, ask for the Brimstone Wing Special… they NEED to be tried and NEED to go on the menu! ‘Nuff said. For photos – Check out my Insta-Post HERE. We spent most of the rest of our three day sabbatical by the pool or in the hot tub for the most part (which was much needed); however also spent some time at the shooting range. I haven’t been out to shoot in such a long time; but it felt good. Also, I can neither confirm; nor deny that Dylan put my father and I to shame – I blame video games!!!

Finally the Brimstone and GHR Mini M.U.S.C.L.E Figures are here!!! They are NOT ready for sale yet as we are deciding the best way to package them; however they are in our possession and that is a beautiful thing. Good things come to those who wait and we’ve been very patiently waiting on these babies for quite some time due to COVID restrictions and set-backs overseas. So keep your eyes out for them because they are abso-friggin-lutely adorable and badass all in one! Moving along, I’ve felt the need to be more creative recently and decided that I’m going to get back to my roots a bit to have some fun! That said – I’ve been working on a new Rap track in the studio with my engineer Alex DaPonte and it is coming along really well thus far. Now, I know what you may be thinking – Brimstone and Rap? Yeah, I’m a lot more connected than you’d perhaps think! I proudly grew up in Uniondale, New York (REPRESENT); and grew up listening to Hip-Hop before anything else. I respect the genre, the history and the people within the scene – Not to mention, I came up with Legends including Charlie Brown and Dinco D from Leaders of the New School. So rest assured, I’m not jumping on a trend. Working on this track has been exhilarating for me as I’ve been meaning to do it for a really long time; but hadn’t had the chance. I’ve also been wanting to find my way back to music in any way shape or form, so this is a great start! Music was my life for the longest time and honestly, I miss drumming and gigging tremendously. I’ll keep everyone informed on when we drop this single and I can tell you more will follow too! Also make sure to keep your eye’s peeled for some ‘UPCOMING CONTENT’ that I’m going to be partnering up with my pal Marty Grabstein on! If you aren’t familiar with Marty – you know him as the voice of Courage the Cowardly Dog. We’re going to be doing a day-trip within the next couple of weeks and you never know what you’re going to get; or WHERE we are going!

I’m proud to announce that The Grindhouse Radio, Inc. has brought home another prestigious award in the Best of Small Business Awards 2020/2021. It is a blessing to have ranked No. 71 in the SB100 category – which honors the Top 100 Small to Mid-Sized Businesses in the US and recognizes GHR as one of the most elite businesses in the country! I couldn’t be more thrilled – Honestly, the fact that Grindhouse has succeeded on both the entertainment and business fronts has been completely mind-blowing! Invigorating and humbling. If you’re interested in learning more about what we do, who we are, what we’ve accomplished and even the awards we’ve received - you can READ ABOUT GHR HERE. If you haven’t tuned in to Grindhouse Radio before (shame on you – LOL), you can always start with the most recent episode found HERE (or whatever your preferred podcast platform happens to be – we’re on over thirty of them); or you could search by our past guests by visiting the Guest List on the Official website… so many fantastic and recognizable faces to choose from! If you’d like me to make a recommendation of some recent episodes you should catch – try these: Danny Tamberelli: 12.30.21 (Adventures of Pete and Pete), Skeery Jones: 1.6.22 (Z100’s Elvis Duran and the Morning Show), and William Hung: 1.13.22 (American Idol).

I have been absolutely LOVING working on the Dirty Little Secrets Club – It is literally SO much fun and I highly recommend listening; however it is for mature and open-minded folks only. If you’re ok with some foul language and stories concerning a mature nature, come join the club – it’s free, anonymous and full of a whole lot of belly laughs! We’ve been ranking all over including New Zealand and BERMUDA… not sure how that happened; but keep it coming! Quick shout out to my co-host Dayna Pereira who also just launched her new Entertainment Network! If you are reading this and know someone in entertainment; or are an entertainer… go sign-up FREE. Speaking of talented people… If you hadn’t seen it already, I did a guest appearance on It Smells Like Puppets with Mezmeralda which was absolutely hysterical – So of course Dayna had to find out how filthy a puppet could; or would get. Mezmeralda exceeded all expectations and we had a GREAT

time with her… you can HEAR it HERE and WATCH it HERE! More GREAT NEWS… I recently had a production meeting for Food Hounds: Home Edition – and our producers have informed me that we’ll be revving up to start some of our on-location filming within the next couple of weeks! We are extremely excited to start moving on filming again. We have SO many fantastic pieces of this puzzle for the world to see – going to be a lot of fun to be able to reveal aspects soon! HUGE shout-out to Sal Conca and Joe Kane at Tough Monkey Entertainment – It’s an honor to be on this journey with these guys who not only go ‘above and beyond’ to ensure a beautiful end product; but who I also have great respect for personally as well. Future is looking bright.
Lastly, I’m pleased to announce the release of a fun ‘Naruto meets Krishna’ animated piece I just collaborated on with artist / animator, Jazyl Homavazir! I actually voiced SIX different characters in this mini-anime including Naruto himself. It was SO much fun to breathe life into these characters; however I can tell you that it was a bit stressful. Let me explain… I’d never done six different established characters before – especially ones that I’m not really familiar with! I was certainly confident in my ability to perform; as well as my engineer Alex’s ability to make me sound better than I would ever personally expect. I just really wanted to do them justice, you know? I had a ridiculously fun time working on the Asura (the bad guy), as he was just loud and boisterous. I think it’s so interesting how most monster’s voices in Anime are pretty much ‘normal’ – it was hard for me to not try to rough this baddie up a bit! Regardless, I hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it all together. That is about all the time I have for now – Please stay connected with me on INSTAGRAM which is my main Social Media outlet! Please also keep in mind that I DO NOT write on ANY Social Media; or Message Boards, etc. other than my Official site and outlets that can be found at the upper left hand side of my site here! Don’t be fooled by fake accounts – If something is written elsewhere… it isn’t me.
Thanks again! - Brim